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Sunday, 23 February 2020 16:40

Catering for weddings in Italy, how our love for this job was born

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The love for wedding catering is not accidental. As a child the doors of my house were always open to friends and relatives and as often happened in southern families, every occasion was good for the preparation of good food. A cuisine, never excessively sophisticated but with intense aromas and a strong flavor, typical of the "country" families of the Sicilian hinterland.

How my passion for catering for weddings in Italy was born

I remember my sister's confirmation day, her stature, taller than the girls her age, her white dress and hairdo made her look like a little bride ready for marriage. On that occasion, our way of preparing the banquet was transformed and the strong flavors gave way to a less intense taste but with a perfume that perfectly matched that of the raw materials of the dishes and the Mediterranean aromas.

coppia che si bacia

That banquet in our country house was a great success and even today, after a few decades, relatives and friends are talking about it. "Better than expensive catering" my uncles said in chorus and I, who had participated in the creation of that first and great success, was proud of it!

Who would have thought, that day of celebration conditioned my future choices until it became my passion, here is our wedding catering

Marriage must be an opportunity to enhance one's style

I always tell couples who come to us for their wedding that you shouldn't follow the fashion of the moment but follow your own style. This is the secret to a unique and unforgettable wedding.

Catering per matrimoni

The more it will be unique and far from fashions, the more it will be unforgettable. Our wedding planners and experience in organizing weddings are at the service of the newlyweds for the perfect wedding! Our secret is not to forget anything because the reception for a wedding does not only mean "good food", but a set of initiatives. An alchemy of "beautiful things", good food, set-ups, good music, a lighting project. A lot of care for a formula that excites, which marries not only the real protagonists, but makes you relive the wedding and the emotions of those who have already lived the "YES" of their life.

Quality of catering for weddings in Italy, but the success of the wedding also depends on the help that the guests will give to the newlyweds

You may be wondering, what help?

Simple, the respect of the couple who invited you to their wedding passes from observing simple rules of etiquette. We take care of catering for weddings and over the years we have witnessed incredible attitudes from some guests, from clothing to "folkloric" events that I would define embarrassing!

pavone e atteggiamenti estremi

Tips to ensure the success of the reception

Now we turn to the guests, indicating some simple tips to follow to contribute to the success of a wedding.

- The hat for women. Remember to investigate if this will be an item of clothing for the mothers of the bride and groom. If the mothers of the bride and groom are not wearing it, the guests should not wear it either. It is obvious, in case you wear the hat that this must never be removed during the whole wedding. (This only applies to women)

- For men, always remember to avoid the tuxedo because it is not a formal suit, prefer a blue or dark gray suit. Absolutely no to the bow tie but a plain color tie, with no signatures in plain sight. Black shoes, avoiding the moccasin

- For the ladies, nudity is not foreseen in weddings, we refer to the stockings that should be worn even in summer and shoes with closed toes. You must absolutely avoid the white dress and prefer dresses in pastel colors, never bright colors. The imperative: do not take the bride's attention away.

- Avoid the assault on the buffet, and never consume in front of the buffet, use the right quantities by moving away for consumption

- Absolutely avoid the folkloristic manifestations ... kiss, kiss ... cut of the tie, etc ... At the exit of the church it is possible to use white confetti instead of rice

The etiquette in a wedding reception

Unfortunately, the etiquette has gone into oblivion, but let's see what are the basic principles for guests

let's start with the rules women should follow:

- Respect for those who invite you

- Avoid excesses

- Total white is strictly forbidden

- Avoid total black, except in evening weddings, but with accessories that break the black color

- Avoid flashy clothing - avoid bright colors - no red or fuchsia - no too sexy dresses - no too many short or dizzying necklines and flashy hairstyles. It takes some measure to make room for the bride.

- Avoid the payettes and glitters (New Year's style)

- Pastel and soft colors or if bright colors, with patterns

- At daytime wedding receptions, never wear a long dress. Miniskirts are absolutely forbidden even for girls

- Avoid pants in the evening.

- Hat only during the day and only if worn by the mothers of the brides. If you wear it, it should never be taken off, unlike men

- The socks always !!! Except for younger girls as long as the rules on the length of the skirts are respected.

- The never shoulder bag, at the most single-shoulder and small

- Shoes never made of leather but of fabric

- The bridesmaids can wear the long dress even during the day, the models may be different but the fabric must be the same and of the same texture.

- The witnesses will follow the rules with the criterion of not obscuring the bride. Sobriety and decorum.

Advice for men:

- Abito scuro blu o grigio

- Camicia Bianca o azzurra se si vuole essere meno formali

- La cravatta unica tinta, mai scarpa mocassino e calza sempre nera

- I testimoni uomini possono giocare con i colori del matrimonio per esempio le cravatte identiche o calzini divertenti

-Poche regole e consigli, ricordiamoci sempre il rispetto della coppia che ci invita. Se a queste semplici regole, si aggiunge la giusta scelta del catering per matrimoni che organizzerà il matrimonio, il successo è garantito

Accademia del mosù - Catering for wedding in Italy

via Scala, 50 - 95027 San Gregorio di Catania
+39 095.7225255   |  |  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 1911 times Last modified on Wednesday, 13 October 2021 10:17

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