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Catering and restaurant, dress and a thousand other things to think about ...
Il catering e ristorazione non sono gli unici aspetti a cui dedicare l'attenzione prima del fatidico "si". Sicuramente, almeno nella mente e nel cuore delle sposa, vi è la scelta dell'abito bianco!
Catering and location for weddings or reception rooms?
Catering and wedding location or reception hall? This decision will affect the entire organization of the wedding.
Catering for weddings in Catania what you need to know about services
When you search for "catering for weddings catania", the search engine shows you results that, apparently, describe the same proposals. This is not really true, because in reality the services offered are different and the same thing goes for the dishes.
Catering and the 10 things to know when thinking about marriage
Catering is important not only for the aspects of catering or wedding arrangements, in some cases it helps you to answer the many questions that arise in the course of wedding preparations.
Catering, technology and health emergency in Catania
Our catering and restaurant company was the first to react to the health emergency. We confess that the sudden restrictions took us by surprise but, having overcome the initial wonder, we have reorganized the way we work.
Catering for weddings at Villa del Poggio Mulara
Another location that exclusively welcomes our wedding catering is Villa Del Poggio Mulara. A Reception Hall in the province of Caltanissetta.
Catering at Villa La Limonaia
Catering at Villa La Limonaia always puts us at ease. The wedding location is truly special, a universe of colors and scents that envelop you. The large structure is surrounded by a luxuriant and suggestive nature at the same time. Etna on one side and the sea on the other!
Our catering in Italy
Il Lunario location for weddings, an ancient residence for special events
We are very happy to describe you an ancient home for special events. The Lunario. This wedding location is located within a beautiful natural park that enhances its rustic style.
Our catering at Casa delle Terre Forti
The catering service at Casa delle Terre Forti is always pleasant. This has a seductive charm at any time of the year and every corner of the villa offers different and intense suggestions.